Thursday 29 August 2013

les adjectifs de couleur


Il fait beau aujourd'hui. J'aime les arbres verts et les fleurs roses dans le jardin.

"Colours" is one of the earliest topics in the Beginner courses because they are some essential vocabulary items. They can be nouns or adjectives:

le rouge (n) - rouge (adj.)
le blanc (n.) - blanc (adj. / m.) / blache (adj. / f.)

When we use adjectives, we have to make sure that they agree with the nouns they modify: masculine? feminine? singular? plural?

Look at the above example. The adjectives "verts" and "roses" are in the plural form because of the nouns "arbres" and "fleurs". 

However, this rule does not apply to "orange", "marron", "prune", "cerise", "banane" (usually it refers to the shape, i.e. banana-shaped, rather than the colour)..., for they are originally fruits.

des chaussures noires
des chaussures orange / marron

We don't put "e" or "s" after the "fruit" adjectives. The same rule can be applied to jewels, like "émeraude", "turquoise" and "saphir". They don't take "e" or "s", either.

Of course, not all fruits and jewels can be used as adjectives. Sometimes, even when they can, this rule may not be applied... Don't worry. You can always look up the dictionary. If it says "adjectif invariable".

C'est facile, non? Au revoir!

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