Wednesday 10 July 2013

Les négations (1)

Bonjour à tous!

Today's topic is negation. All of you must know how to form a negative sentence: ne + verbe + pas. This is la négation normale

ex. Je ne suis pas japonaise. Je suis chinoise.

Right, when there is a normal one, there must be some special ones. In this blog entry, I am going to introduce the basic use of les négations spéciales

ne + verbe + jamais

ex. On ne sait jamais! = We never know!

ne + verbe + rien

ex. Je ne me souviens de rien. = I don't remember anything.

ne + verbe + plus

ex. Je ne les vois plus! = I don't see them anymore.

ne + verbe + personne

ex. Il n'y a personne. = There is not anybody.

ne + verbe + que (=seulement)

ex. Je n'aime que toi! = Je t'aime seulement! = I love you only!
ex. Je n'ai que dix dollars. = J'ai seulement dix dollars. = I have ten dollars only.

ne + verb + nulle part

ex. On ne l'a vu nulle part. = He was nowhere to be seen.

ne + verb + aucun(e)

ex. Il ne fait aucun effort. = He doesn't make any effort.
ex. Je n'ai aucune objection. = I have no objection.
ex. Avez-vous des questions?
Non, je n'en ai aucune. = No, I don't have any.

Please pay attention to the gender when you use this pattern. 

That's all for today. Tomorrow, I will talk about the advanced use of these negative patterns. There is much more to learn and memorize. 


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