Monday 29 July 2013

Paris => parisien


I can't believe that I have time to write this very short entry. You know, I now have far less me time due to the summer course. Actually, I still work on this blog every day. I have been reading through the notes from other courses and writing some drafts, but I have not had time to organize them properly or expand on the existing notes. 

I've come across an interesting note regarding city-name adjectives. I can still recall that in that lesson, a classmate asked the teacher how to change city names into adjectives. Then, the teacher pointed out that there were no rules at all and gave us some examples.

These are some well-known French cities:

Then, he gave us some more "interesting" examples:

After that, he admitted that he did not know all the adjectives as they could be very weird. At last, we learnt some chinese ones:

At that point, I couldn't help asking myself, "Do I really want to continue? This language can be this ridiculous..."

That's about it for now!

Au revoir!

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