Thursday 18 July 2013



Today's entry may be a bit short... actually the coming entries may be short too because I find it difficult to group the remaining notes from the first oral workshop together. Anyway, let's get started. Today's topic is "promettre" (to promise). Before learning the sentence structures, we should know its conjugation. Can you see "mettre" in "promettre"?

Promettre à + une personne + de + verbe (inf)

Promettre à + une personne + que + une phrase

ex. Je promets à mon ami d'assister à sa soirée.

ex. Je lui promets que je vais assister à sa soirée. 

The usage itself is not difficult and I bet you guys must have noticed that a clause always follows "que" which means "that" and a clause follows "that" in English too. Everything makes sense this time, doesn't it?

Last but not least, can you see that I use "lui" in the second example? "Lui" is COI and replaces "à mon ami". 

Oh là là! C'est déjà une heure et je suis très fatiguée!
C'est tout! Merci et bonne nuit! 

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